
I purchased my Solis Maestro 166 grinder in January of 2000. It performed flawlessly for about 6 months but then I began to notice it was taking longer to grind the same amount of coffee. I tried running rice through it (on a suggestion from someone on the homeroasting mail list) but I was worried that I might be doing some damage to the burrs. I think rice is a lot harder than coffee beans and I don't want to dull the burrs prematurely.

Finally, I decided to open up the machine. A good toothbrush scrubbing of the burrs followed by compressed air really cleaned the thing up and it once again ground at its former speed. I now clean it once every month or two and this seems to keep it performing consistently.

The following pages, when completed, will be a step-by-step guide on how to clean your Solis grinder yourself. Check back in a couple of weeks and I should have these pages posted.

Keith Parker

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